Book local orders here! Please look at the menu below and pick the type of cake that you want to order (pound cake or layer cake). When you select the type of cake that you want to order, you will be taken to a calendar. On the calendar, you will see available ordering dates in bold print. There are only a certain amount of slots (orders) available per each date in bold. Your cake order will be scheduled in a one hour time slot (ex. 6:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m.), but this has nothing to do with a pick-up time or the time it takes to prepare the cake, etc., it’s just for organizational purposes. You should schedule the order prior to when you actually want the cake. After you have selected a date and slot, then you will pay/checkout, and then you’ll be all set! If all slots for a particular week are full, you will need to forward to another week to find another available slot. Orders will be fulfilled within the week that the order was placed, unless otherwise requested by the customer. Desired pick-up/delivery date and time will be confirmed after the order is placed.